Opis HEI

The ENHANCE Higher Education Innovator System (HE Innovator) is a central unit of the network that will draw from our experience in innovation and apply relevant mechanisms to our organisational structures. Through this innovative mechanism, ENHANCE will greatly augment the quality of educational provision but also of administrative procedures.

The HE Innovator will address all members of our universities, from leadership to individual academic and administrative staff and students.

We envision that the HE Innovator will prepare the members and simultaneously draw on their expertise and experience to jointly develop the European University of Technology of the future.

HE Innovator as a virtual unit that:

Think Tank
Learning system
serves as a think-tank combining applied research, bottom-up innovation and training for innovation in Higher Education creates a learning system for different target groups (academic and administrative staff and students are trained and prepared to be active members of the European University of the future) carries out trainings in innovative educational methods, co-creation for students, modern university administration etc.

HE Innovator will provide

  • Overview of existing offers at individual member universities 
  • Applied research to develop recommended actions
  • Organisational change incubators on innovative educational methods and administration
  • Overview of materials (newly designed, existing)
  • Overview of existing offers at individual member universities


ENHANCE is an alliance of seven leading European Universities with a focus on science and engineering, which aims to create a new type of close European networks, enabling student and staff mobility, innovative forms of learning and close engagement with society on all levels.

Enhance - Erasmus+ logo

The aim of ENHANCE is to create a new European academic space for the interaction between innovative technological progress, society and the natural environment. The alliance is committed to socially inclusive and sustainable research and education in science and technology by employing inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and co-creation methods (knowledge exchange) tackling the most pressing global challenges. As a consequence the boundaries between our member institutions and society will become permeable. ENHANCE will ensure that education and research have a social, economic and environmental impact, but it will also form a joint European sphere of knowledge, underpinning sustainable development, adhering to the highest standards of good practice in teaching and research, inclusivity and diversity.

More information: https://enhanceuniversity.eu/