Competent teacher: innovative forms of education

University: WUT

Language: Polish

In ENHANCE offer: no


Inter-disciplinary education
Soft skills: Social competences, Creativity
Group working: Teamworking, Teambuilding
Tools: IT tools
Students’ support: Tutoring
Methodological competences: Problem based learning, Project based learning, Design thinking

A series of workshops consisting of modules that provide practical knowledge on innovative teaching methodologies. The course presents Problem Based Learning, i.e. an approach to learning through practice, and presents examples of introducing this type of teaching at the Warsaw University of Technology. In particular, the Design Thinking method is discussed as a group work method aimed at creating creative solutions for a dedicated recipient group. The course also presents the application of Gamification and Blended Learning in education, i.e. introducing elements of competition and remote work into the learning process. To develop the skills of conducting project student groups among the participants of the course, the issues of tutoring and relations in a project team will be presented. During the practical all-day workshop, participants will have the opportunity to use the Design Thinking method to analyze the real issue and quickly design a solution. They will also practice using IT tools useful in group work and analyze the business aspects of introducing new teaching methods to didactics.