D-TRANSFORM: University Strategies in the Digital Age

University: Politechnico di Milano

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: yes


MOOC: https://www.pok.polimi.it/courses/course-v1:Polimi+DTransform101+2021_M5/about

Soft skills: Leadership
On-line learning: MOOC
Tools: New technologies, IT tools
Professional responsibility
Critical thinking
Organization of learning

With society, universities and labour market becoming more and more reliant on technology, it is important for higher education leaders to leverage the power of digital resources in order to find a strategy for change. This MOOC is therefore aimed at raising awareness of digital resources, and especially OER and MOOCs, as a strategic factor for university transformation, with a special focus on teaching and learning processes. The course explores the following topics:

  • the disruption of universities
  • models for opening up education
  • OER and MOOCs as innovation drivers
  • academic libraries and digitally enhanced learning spaces
  • assessment and credits in a technology-enhanced context
  • learning analytics
  • overcoming academic resistance to ICT-enhanced teaching