Designing Learning Innovation

University: Politechnico di Milano

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: yes




Soft skills: Leadership, Creativity

On-line learning: MOOC, Blended learning, Hybrid learning, E-learning

Tools: New technologies, IT tools

Students’ activating: Active learning

Students’ support: Tutoring, Mentoring

Methodological competences: Problem based learning, Project based learning, Research based learning, Design thinking, System thinking, Flipped classrooms


Professional responsibility

Critical thinking

Organization of learning: Time management, Planning 

Where to start to innovate your teaching? But before that, what does it mean to innovate in the classroom? Designing Learning Innovation aims to put the designing culture at the service of learning innovation, supporting those who do not have a specific pedagogical background and those who wish to learn the basic tools of a good teaching design then to continue exploring the frontiers of innovation. 
A set of logical and methodological tools to innovate teaching, finding the most suitable approaches with one’s own vision of the teaching-learning experience.