Diversity and Inclusion for Learning in Higher Education

University: Chalmers

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: yes


Soft skills: Intercultural competences, Social competences
Communication: Written communication , Oral communication, Self-presentation techniques
Group working: Teamworking, Intercultural groups
Professional responsibility
Critical thinking

This course uses a non-essentialist, experience-driven approach which is discourse-based, theory-referenced and interaction-orientated. This means that, before a session, participants will be expected to read relevant literature and complete tasks to facilitate discussion. Participants’ own experience in these discussions is seen as crucial in building up an understanding of this area. The focus will be on diversity in terms of culture, gender and special needs. Discussions will focus on key issues in these areas and models for interpreting them, so as to produce as inclusive an education as possible. Three of the five half-day seminars will focus on the different aspects of diversity mentioned above. In the final session, the participants will report back on their projects, which will have focused on one of these aspects.