Engaging Students in Active Learning

University: Politechnico di Milano

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: yes


MOOC: https://www.pok.polimi.it/courses/course-v1:Polimi+AL101+2021_M5/about  

Soft skills: Social competences, Leadership, Creativity
Group working: Teamworking, Teambuilding
On-line learning: MOOC, Blended learning, Hybrid learning, E-learning
Tools: New technologies
Students’ activating: Active learning
Students’ support: Tutoring, Mentoring
Methodological competences: Problem based learning, Project based learning, Research based learning, Design thinking, System thinking
Professional responsibility
Critical thinking
Organization of learning

The collaboration between all the subjects involved (teachers, students and tutors); the open-minded approach to embrace the perspective of each participant; the courage to continuously try something new; and the strong attitude to make students succeed are some of the key factors for an effective learning experience.
In this MOOC you’ll have the chance to listen about these factors directly from the voice of teachers who are familiar with active learning in very different contexts. You will have the chance to listen some tips to try active learning in your course, and go through a set of tools we will provide you and some useful resources shared by other institutions: you are invited to adapt them to your learning goals and try them in your classes.