Supervising Writing Processes

University: Chalmers

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: no

ECTS: 2.5

Communication: Written communication , Oral communication
Students’ support: Tutoring
Organization of learning

The course is offered as a seminar aimed at supervising writing through active learning. Its seminar series is designed for lecturers wanting to enhance their supervisory practice and writing tuition. The theoretical background required varies slightly depending on the focus for each participant but will typically include supervisory models and approaches, customisation of the writing process approach and genre-based writing instruction. The focus in the seminar discussion will be the planning, design and delivery of their supervisory processes, including the assessment of written products and the existing feedback process. The seminar also emphasises evaluation as an integral part of writing tuition, professional practice and teaching and learning skills. This course continuously touches upon constructive alignment and teaching and learning skills as basic building blocks of professional practice.