Teaching Project-based courses

University: Chalmers

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: no

ECTS: 2.5

Soft skills: Social competences, Leadership, Creativity
Communication: Written communication , Oral communication
Group working: Teamworking, Teambuilding, Intercultural groups
Students’ activating
Methodological competences: Problem based learning, Project based learning
Organization of learning: Time management, Planning

The course focuses on teaching and learning in the context of project-based courses. Course participants will be introduced to learner-centred teaching methods, problem-based learning (PBL) and project-based learning (PjBL) and their significance to engineering education. Participants will gain awareness of the most common challenges to faculty lecturers in developing, teaching and assessing project courses. The aim is for them to develop an enhanced toolbox of methods, tips and tricks, making them more comfortable when facilitating students in their project work. The course is primarily aimed at Chalmers lecturers who are (or will be) involved in this particular type of course and who want to develop their teaching practice and development. The course is organised into five seminars and includes a substantial group project focusing on comparing and contrasting existing project courses at Chalmers.