TiE BAC – Teaching in English

University: TU Berlin

Language: English

In ENHANCE offer: no


Competences: Participants can improve subject area competencies and skills (course planning and overall curriculum students‘ future professional practice), pedagogical skills (course design, structuring student self-study activities, teaching courses, supervision of individual student work, assessment and student evaluation), organizational skills (teaching team, program committee, colleagues and student assistants), general skills (learning climate, language proficiency, effective communication, dealing with criticism and feedback).

Description: Curriculum with basic and advanced courses (44 hrs face-to-face + 3 weeks online on each level. To gain a teaching certificate, recommended are all didactic introductory courses and choice of at least 24 hours of advanced courses, plus peer-to-peer-observation, individual teaching portfolio with 2 hours coaching. 
In our interactive courses, we will use short lectures, demonstration, single tasks and group works, presentations, discussion and exchange of experiences, and a direct application and transfer to the participants‘ daily teaching practice.